Ordering Process
Regular Ordering Process:
To submit an order for any type of address, the quickest and easiest way is to simply select the water you would like, add it to your cart, and check out like normal. When checking out, please fill out our delivery questions accurately. This will help for us to get your order to you in the quickest way possible.
Subscription Process:
To create a subscription, you will be able to see "Subscribe & Save" on the product page, next to "Add to Cart." You can select up to 10 pallets to be delivered every 2 weeks, monthly, bi-monthly, or tri-monthly. Keep in mind that 2 is the minimum number of deliveries to be eligible for a subscription. After 2 deliveries, you may change the frequency or quantity to whatever you'd like.
To learn more about subscriptions, click here.
Authorized Vendor Process:
Thank you for choosing Aqua Pal for your company's bottled water needs. To facilitate the invoicing process, kindly email us at AquaPal@protonmail.com with the following essential information:
- Name
- Shipping Address
- Billing Address
- Product
- Frequency of Delivery (Subscription or One-time delivery)
- Your W-9 Forms
Rest assured that we will promptly respond to your email within 1 business day.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve your company's needs and look forward to the prospect of doing business together. Thank you for being our Pal!
Best regards,
The Aqua Pal Team